Mexican Homes and Businesses Get HughesNet Service
Imagine you own a small grocery store outside of Morelia, Mexico. As more and more of your customers obtain debit or credit cards, you realize you need ability to process their payments. The future of your business depends on it. But what can you do? In most Mexican exurban and rural areas, broadband internet service is scarce. Few providers are willing to extend their cable or fiber lines to outlying areas.
This is a common obstacle. As appealing as life in Mexico may be for some, it can bring severe deprivations. One is lack of high-speed internet service- especially in small towns and rural areas. Mexican internet penetration is only 14% in rural areas, compared to 86% in major urban centers.

For this reason, HughesNet’s presence in our southern neighbor meets a critical need for the Mexican people. Since the satellite internet system began operating in Mexico, about 95% of its population have access to fast internet service. And it doesn’t matter matter where they work or live, since HughesNet doesn’t need cable or fiber lines.
Mexico is the sixth Latin American country to obtain HughesNet service. The first five are: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
How does satellite internet solve the problem?
HughesNet delivers download speeds of 25 megabits per second (MB/S). Upload speeds are usually 3 MB/S. The service includes free WiFi, and subscribers who need customer care can get it 24 hours per day.
HughesNet has offered commercial enterprise services in Mexico for several years. In this enterprise market, the company works with StarGroup.
What can HughesNet do for Americans?
Exurban and rural areas in the U.S.A. suffer the same lack of wireline internet service that outlying areas in Mexico do. For Americans in this situation, HughesNet is the solution. With 25 MB/S downloads, HughesNet is true broadband.
In the U.S., HughesNet was the first satellite internet system. Decades later, it remains the provider of choice for homes and businesses without access to wireline internet. So far, the company has shipped more than 7 million terminals in more than 100 countries, and it covers about half the entire world market for satellite internet.
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